Skype for android 2.3.4
Skype for android 2.3.4

There used to be a version of Skype specifically for Smart TV’s called, predictably, Skype on TV. We’ll also cover those in detail in this article. There are a couple of tricks to getting Skype installed and looking great on your Android TV. Most of us use Skype on our laptops or smartphones, but I bet you didn’t know that you can also use it on your Android TV’s. Honestly, I don’t know how we would have made it through those two years without talking on Skype every day. We needed a more reliable & cheaper way to keep in touch. Telephone service on her island was very expensive and suffered from a lot of outages. I started using Skype a few years ago, while my wife was away medical school in the Caribbean. If you’re like me, you’re probably using video-conferencing apps like Skype and Google Duo more now than ever before.

skype for android 2.3.4

We still need face-to-face interaction even though we’re working from home, and trying to keep socially distanced from our family and friends. These days, it can be hard to keep in touch with the people we care about.

Skype for android 2.3.4